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Clay to Clarity

Understanding who you are is the greatest gift on earth. So many of us go through life not really understanding our worth, who we are or what our purpose is. We drift from job to job, relationship to relationship consciously knowing something isn’t right. With this in mind we keep going round and round in circles, complaining, becoming frustrated with the life patterns we have chosen; because ultimately we choose what we want for ourselves.

The truth is ,weunconsciously have been inviting everything we have into our lives at this present momentthrough our thought and our actions. Be it good or be it bad.

How then are we able to obtain the life we want if we are unsure about ourselves and unable to decide or clarify actually what it is that we really desire for our life?

In order to gain clarity over your life, firstly you need to decide what it is you want for yourself and in your life and then stick to it relentlessly. Write them down on a piece of paper and keep it beside your bed or your wallet or purse.

You need to search yourself and work at letting go of the limiting thoughts and behaviours that block your progress and hold you back.

When you do this you will uncover your true authentic self and begin to see yourself clearly by allowing the clay that has been clouding your sight to wash away.

“Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained, and a person can find every truth connected with his being, if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul.” – As A Man Thinketh

Building Self-reliance

What sort of person are you? Are you someone who listens to what other people say you should do, or are you someone who is strong enough to make your own decision regardless of what people may think of you?

Truth be told, being Self-reliant is something you can develop, which will enable you to grow in strength, have self-control and establish real power. This will enable you to become charismatic, full of energy with an unstoppable approach to achieving what you want. You will be able to find solution to any problem or challenge you are faced with because you have learnt to look inside of you. Once developed you will grow in confidence and become so attractive to others. You will stand out from the rest because you believe in your ability to make your own decision regardless of which say’s what. To understand one’s self is to get to know ones-self better and when you do this you abandon seeking approval from other people, by trying to win them over; You ultimately avoid trying to impress others or in terms of craving their attention. This only make you dependant on other people and can only lead to you being controlled by other people’s moods or their choices. The result will be loss of power.

On the other hand, real power comes from you becoming self-reliant. Free to speak your mindand a strong internal power that enables you to live and create the life you truly deserve, as well as, stand out from the rest. Your self-approval will allow you to go through life without disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty about yourself, your life and your ability to achieve. If you think of the likes, of Emily Pankhurst, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Tina Turner, Wendy William and Margaret Thatcher, all these women ooze self-approval, self-reliance and personal power. These women were and are absolute spectacular.

They have all demonstrated the ability to be courageous, determined, and fearless and to take action. These qualities encompass being direct, straightforward with the highest degree of integrity. These women have earned their strips, so why shouldn’t they wear it with honour.

I urge you to ask yourself these questions. Take a pen and paper to answer these questions

  1. How long has it been since I made a major decision, using my own judgement?
  2. Why do I rely on other people approval of what I say and do?
  3. Do I like, respect and approve of myself?
  4. Do I show faith in myself?
  5. When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a risk and demonstrated a strong sense of faith and belief in myself?
  6. What would my life look like if I didn’t always look for approval from others, if I respected myself and backed myself 100 percent?

7 tips to help you build self-reliance

  1. Becoming your own best friend, root for yourself in everything you do. Be kind, loyal and respectful of one’s self.
  2. Think more and talk less. Don’t waste time trying to impress or convince others about you or the things you want to do. Accept and appreciate yourself fully because all your power is within you.
  3. Discipline yourself to keep your own counsel. Choose who you discuss your life, your goal and aspiration with, asit’s your life and it’s precious and personal to you. Live with dignity and by all means don’t give up your power.
  4. Follow your own mind and not others. Stay out of the disaster zone by always seeking approval from others. You can seek advice but make sure the final decision is yours, which is based on your own beliefs, values and philosophy. Take responsibility for solving your own problems, Talk to yourself, compose yourself and learn to lean on your own power, which will help to improve your self-reliance.
  5. Vote for yourself. Approve of yourself and avoid self-destroying criticisms of yourself, in which you present yourself as needy or worthless, can’t do anything right, need people to help you make your decisions. Don’t turn yourself into a weak powerless person by constantly looking at your flaws and examining your failures.
  6. Be gusty and ballsy. Whatever you do don’t sit on the fence. Become dynamic by speaking up, stand up for yourself. Stand up and be strong. Don’t shut up and put up.
  7. Be bold, be brilliant and be SPECTACULAR

Begin within

Are you living a life that is true to your real authentic self, your purpose; you’re calling the person you were ordained to be? Or are you living a life in which you adapt to the demands of the world and others expectations of who they want you to be? What a trip!!

To really be your authenticself and to live by the core of who you really are, you will need to be that person that is found at your absolute core of your soul.

The intrinsic being that motivates you, to live by your purpose regardless of what people think you should be. This inwards vision of yourself and who you are enables you to stay grounded to your core values and beliefs about what God has ordained for you. It is the part of you not defined by your job, function or role. It is the composite of all your skills, talents and wisdom. It is all of the things that are uniquely yours and need expression, rather than what you believe you are supposed to be and do.If we don’t take the time to reflect and listen to the wisdom that comes from within, the wisdom that comes from God we inevitably become victims of being controlled by others and by circumstances.

We think that if we get the perfect relationship, a new car, or a new house then everything will be ok.
Two important factors are based on these principles in terms of who you have become.

External factors: your contact with people, specific moments and experiences andthe choices you’ve made

Internal factors:The way we’ve reacted to events that have occurred in our life help us to see how we can change this from within because it all starts from within.

The truth of the matter is that outwards items, things and people cannot fix what is going on, on the inside. Only we can ultimately change the course of direction by going within.

Or we will just have to settle with what life has thrown us because we created it in the first place. If we do , we simply allow the situation or circumstance to lead us off course and then the ultimate result is we end up losing our way and losing our self, because the compass getsbroken and our direction, our true authentic self gets lost.

Ask yourself these questions; Are you still in contact with your inner voice or have you lost the ability to be still and listen quietly to the wisdom that comes from within?

Are you living a compromised life, whereby other people’s standards, ideas, vision and desires are beginning to throw you off course and thenyou lose direction? If So STOP! And take five minutes to sit in silence to hear what your inner voice is telling you, because you matter. You absolute deserve to live the life God has ordained for you; he’s greatest joy for you. Free from fear, worry and limitations because it is your given right, if only you listen inwardly.
Always remember, If I do not go within, I go without

A Worried Mind

Some many of us walk around with thought that are destructive to one ’sself both mentally and spiritually. We fuel our minds with worry, fear and anxiety, of which does nothing but cripple our progress and ability to think clear and gain clarity about who we are and why we are here.

Worry is a destructive thought process. In Romans 12:2 it states,be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. In that we must turn our thoughts to God and let not your behavior be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.It is only the love and trust you have in God that will enable you to transform your thoughts to renewed ones.

If we are able to surrender to Gods infinite power we will become healthier and happier, as we change the pattern of our old thoughts we will achieve a mind full of peace, which will inevitably help to produce health and wellbeing.

We must learn to empty our minds daily in order to release the negative toxic thoughts that we allow to cripple us on a daily bases. By simply closing your eyes and saying;

  1. With the help of Godmy mind is being emptied of all fear, guilt and allinsecurities ……. repeat five times
  2. My mind is now emptied of all fear, guilt and allinsecurities……. repeat five times
  3. God has now freed me from fear, guilt and all insecurities ……. repeat five times

This allows you to rid your mind of the old thoughts and renew your mind with transformed ones. You will fill your mind with thoughts of God’s love, goodness and power and protection. It is important to have a method which you can use to attack the old thought when they surface. It’s not a one off process. It’s something we all need to work on; on a daily bases.

From today forth, do not revisitold thoughts and past hurts that do nothing for your spiritual growth and well being. By forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, Philippian 3:13 renew your thoughts today.

Step Four

The final part of going for your life’s dream is knowing when you have actually achieved it. This is Step Four. Some dreams can be actual events, like having your first novel published or finally taking that dream vacation. Others, though, are not so cut and dry. At which point do you say that you have started your own business? Is it when you open your doors or when you have proven that your business can make a profit? How much of a profit signals success for you? Take time out now to decide which benchmarks will assure you that you have reached your Life Goal. Write them down so that when you finally start living your dream, they will be indisputable proof that you have succeeded.

When the Pain of a Past Hurt Won’t Stop

We all struggle from time to time with past hurts. A friend makes a careless remark that cuts right through you, or your spouse makes a career decision without even consulting you. It may even be deeper or more painful, involving living with a vindictive parent or being severely injured in a hit and run accident. They say “Time heals,” but what if it doesn’t?

When a past hurt keeps cropping up, swirling around in your mind and repeatedly stabbing you in the heart, it’s time to do something about it before it damages you any further. “Forgiving but not forgetting” may sound generous and righteous, but in reality, it is not forgiving at all. Instead, you keep recalling the past hurt and reliving it over and over again. As a result, you actually re-experience the emotions and feel everything as intensely as when it originally happened. This creates chronic physical stress inside you that throws your body out of balance and can lead to illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

The only way to move on from a past hurt is to move AWAY from it. This requires a conscious decision to forgive the person who did this to you—once and for all—unconditionally. When you are finally able to forgive, you mentally and emotionally step away from the pain and all the anger and despair that have been consuming you.

Stepping away from your past hurts opens you up to new possibilities for your future well-being. You couldn’t see those possibilities before because your unforgiveness and anger were blocking them from view. Now, finally, your life can move toward something new and positive because you are no longer weighed down by your past pain.

Strategies to Help Women Shift The Mindset from limiting Beliefs to Taking Giant leaps of faith

Most women who suffer unending misery are in fact prisoners of their own choices. They are trapped in the vicious cycle of self-abasing thought process. This situation only helps lower their self-esteem and self-confidence, and reduces the chances of setting themselves free ever. They come to believe in their defeatist thinking so strongly that they cannot imagine a world outside these. They play out some kind of self-fulfilling prophesy in which their actions fit into their thought process snugly. They act to justify their thoughts.

Their world view is twisted and far from the reality without their knowing it. In this kind of a situation only a huge jolt may free them from their prison cells and that big jolt must come with a giant leap of faith. Once they come out, they will find how different the real world outside their prison is.

A leap of faith is the act of believing in or accepting something intangible or improvable, or without empirical evidence, and we know it is difficult to take the leap. But women who have come out of the depths of their suffering have all done so by taking this giant leap, because it is liberating.

The most important step to shift the mind-set from limiting thoughts is to stay focussed in the present moment. We know that the limiting thoughts are cognitive failures, outcomes of our distorted thought. They are formed due to our anxieties born of past memories and worries about future. Both the past and the future have no relevance as much as the present has. By staying focussed to this very moment, we focus on solving our problems positively. We derive power from the present and set aside damaging thoughts. By not attending to our negative thought we banish them.

After thought awareness we can aim for thought replacement. The negative thoughts should be replaced with mental images of agreeable situations or people. We may keep focussed on the people whom we look up as models. We may remind ourselves about some of their pleasant memories or talk or speeches. It has been proven that by bombarding pleasant thoughts in our minds the thought process can be influenced and altered.

From thought the logical progression is to action. By focussing our minds on the successes and positive aspects from our past or from the lives of people we trust in, we may be able to develop a sense of self and determination. Once negative thoughts are purged it becomes easy to take action to live our own life. A moment’s realisation of our own hidden potential may provide the spur for the giant leap of faith. We may learn to control our reality and work our way to change it to our favour.

Many women have taken the giant leap of faith and shown that it is possible to change our own lives. Once taken there is no looking back. It may be difficult but it is not impossible.

Four Steps Toward Living your Dream

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be able to live the life you have always dreamed about? Most people have a Wish List for their future, but many of them never quite live their dream. Why is it so hard to reach the very thing you long for?
Life dreams are nebulous like clouds and fog. They do not have a definite shape. You can’t hold onto your dream any more than you can hold on to fog.

For your dream to ever become reality, it has to be transformed into something much more tangible—an actual goal.

Setting your Life Goal is the First Step toward making your life’s dream come true. Write down exactly what it is that you want to do with your life. What do you want to accomplish? Is it a career goal, like owning your own business or making partner in your law firm? Maybe it is a personal goal, such as vacationing abroad, retiring financially secure, moving to your dream location, or even writing a novel. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to make a difference in your community by volunteering or being a mentor. Having your dream written down in detail solidifies it for you so that you can start aiming for it.

Step Two is figuring out what specific things you need to do in order to reach your Life Goal. Any time we tackle a large project, whether at work or at home, we need to break it down into manageable tasks. Each individual task moves us closer to completing the project. If we are painting a room in our house, we have to buy the paint and supplies, get a ladder, cover the floor, prep the walls and tape around the woodwork—all before we can start painting. When aiming for your life’s dream, you must decide which specific actions you need to take and in what order they need to be done. These actions may include rearranging your schedule to free up time and exploring ways to start funding your dream.

Step Three is preparing yourself to reach your Goal. Unlike painting a room, however, the actions you take toward your goal may be spread out over months or even years. Understand that reaching your goal could be a long process. This will help you to be more patient with yourself and the circumstances you face. If you stick with your plan, however, every conscious action you take will move you along the road to your life’s dream. Besides being patient and persistent, you also need to constantly remind yourself of your goal. It is easy to lose sight of your target when you are on the ground grappling with daily issues. Come up for air every once in a while and reorient your life to your goal. This will put your daily responsibilities back into perspective. Everything you do should be re-evaluated in terms of your life’s dream. Adjust your priorities, get rid of activities that bog you down and constantly be on the lookout for new opportunities that will boost you toward your goal faster.