
BECOME A PARTNER with Spectacular Women Network

and make a real difference in the lives of women and girls who have suffered from Domestic Violence and Abuse.

As a Partner, you will be helping to right a societal wrong by “putting your money where your mouth is”—as they say…


You have an opportunity RIGHT HERE to make “financial sense”.  In light of your company’s community outreach, investing in this Conference does make sense.  By doing what you do best, i.e. selling your products, you will be able to make a tangible difference in the lives of residents of the local communities that you serve.

These communities need help in both rescuing victims of domestic violence, which is so prevalent today, and preventing future victims, many of whom are teenaged girls just starting to date.

Your Partnership will provide critical funds to support the efforts of the Spectacular Woman Network to: 1. Build awareness and 2. To set programmes in motion that will equip these teenagers and women who are in violent relationships break free and move toward a positive future.

Being a Partner means:

  • Having a table for selling your products at this October Conference.
  • Donating 50% of the sales of your products that are sold atthis Conference to Spectacular Women and the LiveWise10 programme.
  • Your company will be promoted via Social Media as a Partner with Spectacular Woman in this tremendous cause.
  • Your company will be acknowledged at the Conference for being a Partner.
  • Your company will be acknowledged in the Brochure for your role as Partner.

What happens to the money you donate?

60% of your donated 50% will help to make this Conference possible.  With your help, Spectacular Woman will be able to reach out to women and girls to alert them to the dangers of domestic violence and to begin equipping them to stand up against it in their own lives.

40% of your donated 50% will go directly to the LiveWise student programme, which is designed to prevent teen girls from becoming victims of domestic violence.

What is the LiveWIse Student Programme?

LiveWise Programme (KS3-KS4) is a 10-week preventative program designed to reach out to those who are most at risk of becoming domestic violence victims—teenaged girls.

We have three goals:1. To prevent Teen Dating Violence, 2. To impart to teens the importance of being in loving, caring, respectful, healthy relationships as opposed to abusive ones, and 3. To enable them to develop social and academic skills for their future.

In the process, these young people will receive emotional support, start respecting others while demanding to be respected, and learn how to deal with difficult emotional issues.
LiveWise10 specifically reaches teenagers during their critical development stages. If these girls learn how to view themselves as worthy and valuable, then they will be able to walk away from dangerous and abusive relationships before they sink into an abused mind-set that they may never get out of.


We believe that LiveWise10 can be the beginning of a new approach to preventing Domestic Abuse and Violence byEmpowering, Educating and Encouraging teen girls when they are most vulnerable.

Your contribution to this Conference and the LiveWise programme will let us reach women and girls within London’s local communities who may already be victims of domestic abuse and are in need our help and support.

How do you want to benefit the local communities that your business serves?Your customers will notice if you are standing up for what is right and fighting against what is wrong.

This “Break the Silence” Domestic Violence Conference is a local effort, aiming to touch the lives of local women and girls who have been affected by domestic violence .

Your Partnership means so much to us.

CLICK HERE to Sign up as a Partner

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